Sunday, August 8, 2010

Oh man!

Crazy how things slip away, huh?

I've been super busy with work lately, which is awesome. Maybe I have a bit too much, actually, because it's been zapping all of my will to read and write. Instead I find myself cross stitching and watching Futurama a bit more more than one girl should. Oh well.

So I do not have an update for the Shakespeare project yet, but it is not dead! I stopped off on act three of Titus, but I'll get back in the game soon. Hopefully. Sorry Will.

But hey, I got the new Great Big Sea album! Thankfully it was better than their last one, but I suppose that bar wasn't set very high. Old Sean got to sing a bit more this time than normal, which I'm on the fence about, but there were a few songs that I really, really enjoyed.

Here's the tracklist:

1. Long Life (Where Did You Go?) : When I put on an GBS album, I'm usually much more interested in hearing Alan's voice, especially right off. That being said, this was a rather rousing way to start things off.

2. Nothing But A Song: Rather forgettable for the album's single, but a little better than, um, what was that one on Fortune's Favor? Um... (Looked it up: Walk on the Moon. Right. That one.)

3. Yankee Sailor: Pretty whistle, very melodic. Can get stuck in my head. A solid B.

4. Good People: Sean again. Not a huge fan of the simplistic lyrics, but a nice sentiment nonetheless. One of the more forgettable ones.

5. Dear Home Town: This track has been lauded by many as the best on the album. I think it's definitely in the top three. Great melody, great horns, and a lot of fun.

6. Over the Hills: Bob's track. Hard not to sing along too, even if you don't know the words. Makes me want to join the army, but only until the song is done.

7. Hit the Ground and Run: Haha, what? What is this? I think I like it, but what?

8. Safe Upon the Shore: More from Sean. I think I like his voice more the less it has behind it, which makes this a cappella track my favorite of his.

9. Have a Cuppa Tea: Did you know that tea is a cure for hepatitis? Me neither, but you should neither doubt Newfoundlandian wisdom. Absolutely my favorite song off this album.

10. Wandering Ways: Is it just me, or is this a sped up clone of Harbour Lecou?

11. Follow Me Back: Very pretty. Not much more to say than that.

12. Road To Ruin: Fun and jaunty. Reminds me very much of the good old GBS days. Perfect for all you recovering Catholics out there.

13. Gallow's Pole: One more from Sean in there. They took a chance with this one, but I don't really know that I like it. Maybe leave the channeling of Led Zeppelin behind on the next album.

14. Don't Wanna Go Home: This one's setting up to be one of my favorites, even compared to the rest of their body of work. It's bouncy, happy, and a perfect note to end the album on.

What is this? I know it's bluegrass, but what?

If you're new to Great Big Sea, I wouldn't recommend this one. Go listen to Up, Play, or even Sea of No Cares. However it's good to know they're still making music at a regular rate, and you best believe I'll be seeing them next month in Waterville.

Now excuse me. I feel like my knee's got some water on it: better go have a cuppa tea.